Basin Arts has a few new family members!

In our third year here at Basin Arts, we have rearranged our artists spaces because one of our resident artists was starting to grow a bit too large for his space, lost one artists to her new mom duties, but we have added some new faces to the ever growing #containerforcreativity! Get to know these new artists and their work. First up we have Cory Stewart, he is a portrait painter, comedy writer, and film director. He enjoys doing most of his paintings on panes of glass! You can check an instillation by Corey in our Gallery starting November 10th,...

Why should someone come to Basin Arts

Why should someone come to Basin Arts

WHY SHOULD SOMEONE COME TO  BASIN ARTS? Sharon Leahy, our  wise and fabulous tap teacher, shared these words about why you should come to Basin Arts…she says “You should come to Basin to be part of the artistic process, inspiration, research, exploration, and evaluation… who wouldn’t want to be part of that?” Why else should you come to Basin Arts? Take a look… We hope you can visit soon and visit often! Our third year has officially began! Special thanks to Greta Gerstner for the filming and editing and to all of our special guests for sharing!  #iambasinarts #basinarts #basinartscommunity #whatisbasinarts #acontainerforcreativity #lafayettela

FitWeek Cardio Dance!

FitWeek Cardio Dance!

The 5th annual FITWEEK is September 22-29, 2018 and Basin Arts is joining in the fun! Basin Arts is hosting a Cardio Dance class led by Clare Cook for FITWEEK Thursday September 27th from 5:15-6:00pm. All proceeds from this class will go to Myrtle Place Elementary! The class is $15. Sign up here: What is Cardio Dance? Think old-school jazz class, mixed with aerobics, mixed with zumba and hip-hop, add in an arm work and core work, and you’ve got a complete and completely sweaty workout all in a fun, non- judgmental environment. Guaranteed to be a fun, high-energy class to make your...

If Basin Arts could be a Color…

If Basin Arts could be a Color…

We asked … IF BASIN ARTS COULD BE A COLOR…    WHAT COLOR WOULD IT BE?! The start to year three is less than a week away! Get your creative mojo ready to go! Want to create your own Basin Arts video message? We’d love to hear from you! Share it with us using #iambasinarts. Special thanks to Greta Gerstner for the filming and editing and to all of our special guests for sharing!  #iambasinarts #basinarts #basinartscommunity #whatisbasinarts #acontainerforcreativity #lafayettela

Basin Arts Youth Classes

Basin Arts Youth Classes

Announcing youth classes at Basin Arts! Does your little one like to move? Are they always creating and drawing on things? Then you might want to check out our Fall Youth Classes! Creative Movement with Clare Cook! Monday’s 4:05 – 4:55pm; September 10th – December 10th $175/ semester, Open to Ages 3-4 Introduce your child to creative exploration of their moving body through basic ballet fundamentals, props, music, and visual arts. Creative Movement an engaging and imaginative way for your kids to keep moving, get stronger, gain coordination and express themselves! Open to boys and girls, ages 3-4. The class will culminate...

What do you do to feel creative?

What do you do to feel creative?

To create is to bring into existence. Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Being creative means taking risks, breaking with routine and doing something different, finding hidden patterns, and to generate solutions. It means challenging yourself every day. We want to know … WHAT DO YOU DO TO FEEL CREATIVE? We are so excited to get started with YEAR THREE very soon and we hope you’ll find a new way to spark your own creativity at Basin Arts! Thanks for all your support every step of the way. Create your own Basin Arts video message, we’d love to hear from you!...

Congrats to BARE Walls

Congrats to Team BARE Walls led by Dirk Guidry Art for receiving funding at 24hourcitizenproject !! BARE Walls is a new art subscription program through Basin Arts connecting local artists with local businesses to create more beautiful and awesome workspaces while simultaneously fueling the creative economy in our area! Win Win for everyone and #nobarewalls for Acadiana! Congrats to all of the projects. We love that so many of the funded projects this year are arts-based initiatives! Thank you 24 hour citizen project for another great year of community engagement and investment! We look forward to the project and how it is going to...

What do you value about Basin Arts?

What do you value about Basin Arts?

To value something is to hold it dear to keep it close to appreciate it to recognize its worth… We asked people in our community…. WHAT DO YOU VALUE ABOUT BASIN ARTS? We value each and every one of you who enters Basin Arts! Thanks for all your support every step of the way. Create your own Basin Arts video message, we’d love to hear from you! Share it with us using #iambasinarts.  We are so excited to get started with YEAR THREE very soon! Special thanks to Greta Gerstner for the filming and editing and to all of our special guests for sharing!  #iambasinarts #basinarts #basinartscommunity #whatisbasinarts #acontainerforcreativity...

AMBUSH!! Reve Coffee and The GreenRoom

AMBUSH!! Reve Coffee and The Green Room Basin Arts AMBUSH! We’ve been flowing out into the streets of Downtown Lafayette all summer long and popping up when you least expect it and in the most surprising ways. For our fourth AMBUSH!! we started at Reve Coffee and danced our way down the street to The Green Room. Ambush #4 started at Reve and made it’s way down Jefferson St to The GreenRoom. Two strangers, Coffee Girl and Java Boy, outside of a coffee shop going through the motions of everyday life. Blankly staring into their computers, emptying their mugs, refill after refill. After  hours upon...

What is Basin Arts?

What is Basin Arts?

Each week in August, we will be sharing some of the faces of Basin Arts with you as they share what Basin Arts means to them. Follow along each week and maybe even create your own Basin Arts video message. We’d love to hear from you! Share it with us using #iambasinarts. We are so excited to get started with YEAR THREE very soon! #iambasinarts #basinarts #basinartscommunity #whatisbasinarts #acontainerforcreativity #lafayettela Very special thanks to Greta Gerstner for the filming and editing of this video series and shoutout to all of our Basin Arts community members who spent time with us this...