FitWeek Cardio Dance!

FitWeek Cardio Dance!

The 5th annual FITWEEK is September 22-29, 2018 and Basin Arts is joining in the fun!

Basin Arts is hosting a Cardio Dance class led by Clare Cook for FITWEEK Thursday September 27th from 5:15-6:00pm. All proceeds from this class will go to Myrtle Place Elementary! The class is $15. Sign up here:

What is Cardio Dance?
Think old-school jazz class, mixed with aerobics, mixed with zumba and hip-hop, add in an arm work and core work, and you’ve got a complete and completely sweaty workout all in a fun, non- judgmental environment. Guaranteed to be a fun, high-energy class to make your workout out fly by. No serious dance training necessary. All are welcome!

What is FITWEEK?
FITWEEK is an annual week-long event started five years ago by Emily Cook Harris focused on celebrating the power of fitness in your community while raising money for education.

Every business and organization across the country that hosts a class during FITWEEK will choose what educational cause they will support and we are partnering with a local, Lafayette school, Myrtle Place Elementary, where Basin Arts is also involved in leading our Movement & Mindfulness curriculum.

Founder of FITWEEK, Emily Cook Harris, will be kicking off in New York City and finishing strong in Los Angeles! Follow @wearefitweek for all the insider info.

And don’t forget to sign up for your local FITWEEK Cardio Dance class hosted by Basin Arts Thursday September 27th 5:15-6:00pm