Introducing Hillary

Introducing Hillary

Hillary is a musician of versatile influence with fluidity in songwriting, performing, and music production. Her focus begins with writing illuminating lyrics that serve as a pathway for her sonic landscape—balancing the vibrations of sound with the resonance of language. Her approach to music involves a search for whimsy and quirk. Although a longtime resident of New York City, she is from southwest Louisiana. Her musical practice is as storied as her musical past, she has been guided by years of experimentation in jazz, zydeco, folk, musical theater, opera, chamber choir, improvisation, and popular music. In cycling through different genres, Hillary’s appreciation for the cohesive power of music and music’s tendency to help adhere individuals into a collective has grown. Music is her third place and she invites others to join.

tiktokig. youtubespotify. bandcamp

Who makes up your art circle?
I am grateful to say that my art circle is feeling very augmented these days. I have been touring with my music and meeting new people after performances. I am learning about how people inform my work just by showing up to share space with me at my performances. My ideas about where art begins and ends are blurring in a wonderful way.  
How do you expand your art circle?
My art circle expands just by living life as a creative person. A brief interaction with a stranger or a good book or podcast can open a passageway in my brain. Collecting ideas and experiences helps create connectivity within my work and ultimately how I see the world and navigate my day to day life. I am trying to be as open as possible, because that is what allows me to be free in the work I want to make. 

What value do you see in having a creative community?

Creative community provides me with the continuity I need to pursue creative experiences and creative work. They are a reminder of what is possible, especially when I am struggling to stay focused (which happens a lot)!
How does your artistic approach contribute to your community?
Funnily enough, I work mostly in solitude. However, because I make music, this approach still involves community. Art making comes from a place of love and I make work so that I have something loving to share with others. That is my contribution. 
Our weekly Art Circle series profiles artists throughout the community and is sponsored in part by Lafayette Visitor Enterprise Fund managed by Lafayette Travel