Introducing Kelly Nelson

Introducing Kelly Nelson

Kelly Nelson, a Louisiana native, is an artist who has a passion for all things related to the arts.
She recently relocated back to Louisiana after living and working in Houston, Texas for the last
two decades. She grew up on the northside of Lafayette, Louisiana, where her parent’s
encouraged creativity, dance, painting, and drawing. She believes being exposed to art from a
young age has proved to be the conduit for her everlasting desire to create. Kelly earned her
degree from the University of Southwestern Louisiana.

Kelly’s art depicts her perspective of culture mostly rooted in southern Louisiana and Texas. As
such, her creations are a mirror reflecting her journeys, her experiences, and her spirit. She loves working in a variety of mediums, but for her canvas work, she primarily layers acrylic paint, spray paint, charcoal, and pastels. Kelly’s composite photography begins with photographs taken by her, combined with other digital imagery creating art that is unique. Through painting and composite photography, she strives to create captivating pieces of art.
Who makes up your art circle?
My art circle typically includes fellow artists, mentors, professionals who exhibit and sell my
work, art collectors and patrons, and of course, friends and family. Each member of my art circle plays a unique role, contributing to my growth, exposure, and success as an artist.
How do you expand your art circle?
Being a huge art enthusiast and patron of the arts has proved to be most significant in the
expansion of my art circle. I have made many meaningful connections by volunteering for art-
related causes, joining art groups and organizations, attending art events, and traveling and
studying with fellow artists.

What value do you see in having a creative community?
Art has the power to bring people together. Community art projects, exhibitions, and
performances can create opportunities for individuals to connect, collaborate, and build a sense
of unity.
How does your artistic approach contribute to your community?
By sharing my eclectic artistic vision, I try to enrich the community with diverse artistic
expressions, including differences in subject matter, cultural influences, and individual
experiences. Through my art, I strive to introduce new perspectives, styles, and ideas, fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts.
Our weekly Art Circle series profiles artists throughout the community and is sponsored in part by Lafayette Visitor Enterprise Fund managed by Lafayette Travel