Latest Past Events

February 7th Critique Nite

Basin Arts will host its FREE monthly Critique Nite inviting a selection of artists from all mediums and disciplines to share what they are currently working on and receive thoughts and feedback from peers. This monthly gathering builds a stronger, more diverse and visible artist community and also exposes the variety and depth of talent...


2nd viewing of Surviving the Anthropocene

Join us at Basin Arts for 2nd viewing of Surviving the Anthropocene by Ben Guidry. Explore the brief existence of humanity in relation to the long geological history of the earth. Live performance starts at 7:30pm  

January 10th Critique Nite

Basin Arts will host its FREE monthly Critique Nite inviting a selection of artists from all mediums and disciplines to share what they are currently working on and receive thoughts and feedback from peers. This monthly gathering builds a stronger, more diverse and visible artist community and also exposes the variety and depth of talent...
