Improv Inspiration

Over the weekend, Basin Arts played host to an exciting September Artwalk…
Sideways Hot Tub: Super Motivation Galore
Saturday September 9, 2017

At Basin Arts, we typically change the work in our art gallery monthly, but every now and again we have a show that will stay for two months. Because we are focused on creative collaboration and multi-disciplinary artistic investigation, there is a challenge to see how the visual art can find ways to be reinterpreted or perform in a unique way for the second month in the gallery. For September Artwalk, that is how Sideways Hot Tub: Super Motivation Galore came about.

Jacob Broussard’s gallery exhibition, Sideways Hot Tub, is an attempt to investigate the action of representing something, or ‘re-presenting’. His works examine the act of translation of sight into the practice of painting. In that spirit and under those parameters, September’s Art Walk at Basin Arts played host to a live music and dance improv performance by The Board and Basin Dance. The choices made throughout the performance were guided by a collection of source image photography that Jacob Broussard used as a foundation for his collection of paintings in Sideways Hot Tub. The audience was privy to the primary influences of music, movement and visual art and how these three components created a continuous feedback loop of inspiration for improvisation.

Thanks to everyone that came out and shared the evening at Basin Arts!

About The Board:
The Board is a large collection of musicians from the Lafayette area that have been coming together on and off for the last 13 years to perform completely improvised music. Even though the palette of instruments is always changing, percussion is always at the center of the sound. Performances are often without pause and can take the listener on a journey through wild musical waters; from floating on calming synth beds, to pounding, pulsing, exotic trans-inducing rhythms, to down-right wacky and peculiar sonic constructions. Everything is made-up all the time. Lately, the group has been utilizing an actual “board” on stage as a part of the show…a white board with marker upon which anyone in the group (or audience) can feel free to write a word or instruction to help steer the direction of the music.

Musicians included:
Danny Devillier – drums, percussion, vibraphone
Collin Galyean – drums, percussion, “tricks”
Bill Smith – drums, percussion, xylophone
Peter Bulliard – percussion
Tim McFatter – saxophones, keyboards
Will Henderson – laptop, synths, saxophones
Chad Viator – electric guitar
Ian Guidroz – electric bass

Dancers included:
Paige Barnett
Sydni Bourg
Clare Cook
Rachel Geiger
Patricka James