Basin Arts Book Nook

Basin Arts Book Nook

Over the last several months we began receiving donations of art books across both visual and performing arts sectors. These donated books along with our existing collection were shaping up to be a nice little collection of resource books for artists across disciplines, and we had the idea to build an tiny arts library in the building. The United Way of Acadiana put out a community call for projects, and we knew this would be the perfect project for Basin Arts to complete with help from community volunteers!

On Saturday June 23rd, we sorted, organized and inventoried our book collection; we assembled shelving and arranged furniture; we received book donations; and now we have an awesome quiet spot for artists of all ages to enjoy and learn about the arts! We were able to create a space with over 100 books…and growing!

Basin Arts Director, Clare Cook, shares why this project is so important to her…

At the Barnes & Noble, there was one small shelf in the back corner allocated for Performing Arts. Discovering this little shelf really did change the course of my journey with dance. I would save up and buy every book I could. I read biographies of Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham, Twyla Tharp and Bob Fosse, books about Broadway, movie musicals and more all before age 16. I could not devour this information fast enough. Even though many of the ideas and historical references weren’t totally clear to me at that point, these books made it possible for me to understand that there was a greater world of performance and there were people who had made their life in dance.”

Basin Arts has become a center for developing artists and providing resources and inspiration along the way. Having an in-house library that can provide free access to a wide array of performing arts and visual art books, some new and some from way back in the archives, is an amazing resource for young artists. We learn how to grow and make choices by learning about those that came before us, and reading is one of the most special ways to share stories and history of the arts.

If you are in the downtown area, stop by and checkout our book nook with plenty inspirational and educational art filled books! Our arts library is located on the second floor of 113 Clinton St., next to our art classroom. Come visit!